Thursday 12 August 2010


True story

If you were a superhero
Would you want to fly?
To lift up very heavy things
And help the passers-by?

It would be nice to do all this-
Be brave at any cost,
But all MY powers let me do
Is be late and get lost.

A warning light is flashing,
I get ready at a rate
That is very close to dashing
But I know I will be late.

And averting the apocalypse
Would really be quite cool
But I'd take a wrong left turn and
Arrive at City Pool.

I really am a superhero;
It's not I can't be tossed,
But the powers I've been cursed with
Are: Be late and get lost.

K. Ashworth (2010)


A Kudu is a kind of large African antelope.They are often kept as game, and were allowed to roam the grounds of the hotel where I was staying.

The Kudu devoured my jeans,
I have no idea why. Maybe it
Liked them; They had captured its wild eye.

My legs on the wall at the edge of
The balcony, the Kudu attacked
And scared the living crap out of me!

I wasn’t impressed to say the least;
They were my favourite pair of jeans.
I guess the Kudu didn’t know that!

But all was well in the karmic sense -
Later that night, in our fire-lit meal,
I took back power: ate the Kudu.

K. Ashworth (2010)


Sat on a barstool in front of a beer
She waits at the table to meet her friend Tom.
To be perfectly honest she’d rather not hear
The sound of his voice as he does bollock on!
It’s too late to leave, as he’s just gotten here -
She hopes this pub session will not last too long;
Today is the first time they’ve met for a year
And she thinks, ‘Will be midnight before I am gone!’

He has many problems: his course, job and car,
Leaving out nothing - his half finished play.
His lack of a love life? He takes it too far!
She always stops listening, she reckons, half way

It’s hard to be friendly, to stand up and greet
Someone you’d rather ignore and not meet.

K. Ashworth (2010)

The Hull Connection

I'm really excited for this edition of The Slab/Hull Connection to come out - as part of Philip Larkin's 25th anniversary. I am extremely lucky to be included in the 4th edition of this marvellous collection! If you haven't been aware of this publication in the past, it's an anthology of poems written by contributors from Hull - locally published.

A bit about me:
I grew up in Hull, but I no longer live there. I came up to Newcastle University to do a Bachelor's in English Literature, Language and Linguistics. When I graduated I loved the city so much that I decided to live and work up here, but I still visit home every so often.
As for my literature side, I did a poetry module during my degree and entered a couple of my favourite pieces for The Slab. I am also working on a novel, and have just completed my first play which I am planning to novelise.

My poems:
'The Kudu' - an event that occured during my stay in South Africa
'Super Hero' - I'm always late/lost, and this is my excuse...
'Pubsession' - A sonnet with a difference.

I hope you enjoy the poems in the book, and on here. Feel more than free to get in touch; I would love feedback.
