Thursday 12 August 2010

The Hull Connection

I'm really excited for this edition of The Slab/Hull Connection to come out - as part of Philip Larkin's 25th anniversary. I am extremely lucky to be included in the 4th edition of this marvellous collection! If you haven't been aware of this publication in the past, it's an anthology of poems written by contributors from Hull - locally published.

A bit about me:
I grew up in Hull, but I no longer live there. I came up to Newcastle University to do a Bachelor's in English Literature, Language and Linguistics. When I graduated I loved the city so much that I decided to live and work up here, but I still visit home every so often.
As for my literature side, I did a poetry module during my degree and entered a couple of my favourite pieces for The Slab. I am also working on a novel, and have just completed my first play which I am planning to novelise.

My poems:
'The Kudu' - an event that occured during my stay in South Africa
'Super Hero' - I'm always late/lost, and this is my excuse...
'Pubsession' - A sonnet with a difference.

I hope you enjoy the poems in the book, and on here. Feel more than free to get in touch; I would love feedback.


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